2.6/5 #PÖFF2020Kino# 乡愁与情结搭建成了人造主题公园置景式的电影,舞台上的party接着party,总在跳舞、游览和自我沉溺,拒绝真正邀请观众进入,无人关心子弹射向了谁,尽是疲态,对时代的浪漫化想象和对记忆的重建其实可能是非常不可靠的。
The first three are rather lukewarm. But starting with Piglife, the pulse of strength beats up and up and clutches at my heart. But all are the most genuine, spirited, ingenious and deeply fierce. To me, my own advocation towards either one of the perception matters little, as long as they are equally irritating to the "indignant opponents".