驱魔童是由赵中兴执导,林小楼,顾宝明,尤美芳主演的一部剧情片。主要讲述了:桃太郎與母親在桃花源裡生活,一天,忽然來了一名叫「少一段」的男子,他因崇拜桃太郎而來拜師。另一方面,惡魔宮內長老欲置桃太郎於死地的同時,竟抓童男童女練功 ,桃太郎對此感到氣憤,決定打鬼。不料其母竟
“Every revolution, if it is an authentic revolution, is not only directed towards the future. But it redeems also the past failed revolutions. All the ghosts, as it were; the living dead of the past revolution which are roaming around, unsatisfied, will finally find their home in the new freedom.”