指名!是由片贝慎执导,内山悠里菜,稗田宁宁,守屋亨香,绪方佑奈,鹰村彩花,宫园飒希,饭冢麻结,村上真夏主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:故事发生在名为蓝色之声的配音演员事务所之中,在这里工作的,都是那种初出茅庐,并没有什么配音经验的无名小卒,而他们共同的特点,就是对配音这项事业充满了热情和冲劲。 半路出家,还在上培训班就决定入职
At that night, the dragon of the lantern jumps into the sky, it becomes a fire dragon with colorful light. Chinese god of wealth, Chinese god of kitchen and Lord Rabbit, yes, it is the Lord Rabbit speaks stutteringly, sometimes he likes folding his ears and wiping his nose, they all follow the dragon walking and laughing in the sky.