雄关遗梦是由阎建钢执导,宋佳,潘虹,王洛勇,高明,谭涛主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:这是一个穿梭在梦幻和现实之间、浪漫、凄美、神秘、壮丽的爱情史诗故事。 这是一个女人用绚烂生命抗击封建愚昧制度,追求爱情,自由,平等的英雄故事。 这是两个男人为得到自由,得到爱情,而争夺权利、从
片中的topic都戳中我的G点。I am troubled by my lack of faith. I am troubled by clash of civilizations.i am troubled by traditional societies inability to cope with modernism and modern values. I think about what’s the ultimate truth? Broken families in America and how we are all drifting apart.i am troubled by the lack of answers to all my previous questions