小李飞刀是由袁和平,崔承执导,焦恩俊,贾静雯,俞飞鸿,萧蔷,吴京,范冰冰,林利,郑佳欣,陈凯,高雄,任泉主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:改编自古龙的经典小说小李飞刀系列中的《多情剑客无情剑》。明朝年间,文武全才李寻欢(焦恩俊 饰)靠着飞刀的绝技名闻江湖,本想与表妹林诗音(萧蔷 饰)双宿双栖隐退江湖的他无奈遭到所谓正道人士的围追堵截
预算:8000万 首周末票房:2304万 北美票房:8324万 全球票房:2亿1404万 上映日期:18.09.28-19.01.17 上映周数:16周 分级:PG 最高院线数:4131 北美最高排名:2 发行方:Warner Bros.
Three Rule for personel: 1.Don't have debt rise faster than income, because your debt burden will eventually crush you. 2.Don't have income rise faster than productivity, because you will eventually become uncompetitive. 3. Do all that you can do to raise your productivity, because in long term, that is what matters most.