假面骑士555是由田崎竜太,長石多可男执导,半田健人,芳賀優里亜,村上幸平,泉政行主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:“流星塾”出身的“园田真理”,收到了来自父亲“花形”寄来的不明物品:“Faiz Gear和其专属机车”。为了问明父亲的用意,真理前往位于东京的巨大企业“SmartBrain”拜访父亲。途中遇上到处
The Outpost is a fair war drama film that severely lacks character development; as such you aren't able to get to know them intimately so you don't develop a bond with them throughout the course of the film, making them dull and forgettable. The action battle sequences was pretty intense in the climax.